This was an unusually quick victory. Computers usually fight to the bitter end! Needless to say, I am still taking back the odd move when things look dodgy!
Computer vs. J
1. P76 P34
2. G(4)58 K42
3. S48 P44
4. G78 K32
5. P66 G(6)52 (the ‘boat castle’, another experiment)
6. K69 P84
7. P26 P85
8. B77 P76
9. P25 B33
10. P65 S62
11. G(5)67 S73
12. G66 S84
13. B68 R72
14. P56 P45 (my castle is quite vulnerable to a frontal assault, so I need space, fast!)
15. B57 P75
16. Px75 Sx75
17. G(7)67 Sx66
18. Gx66 G’76
19. G55 P54 (inviting some violent tactics)
20. P24 Px24
21. S’44 Px55 (a high-risk sacrifice!)
22. Sx33= Kx33
23. Bx24 K44 (the king sets off on a little adventure…)
24. P46 G67
25. Px45 K53
26. S59 S’27
27. P’73 Rx73
28. B’26 G’35
29. Bx35 Px35
30. Bx35 K42 (draughty but surprisingly safe)
31. B24 N33
32. Bx33+ Kx33
33. G’44 K42
34. N’54 K51
35. R48 B’25