Tuesday 21 November 2006

Bare-faced Watch

Flicking through the advertisement section of the Guardian (otherwise known as Saturday’s Magazine) late last night, Kate and I found some good meaty articles amid the overpriced holidays, overpriced houses and ludicrous clothes. But best of all was the full-page Seiko advert, with, as is customary for such things, a black and white Ben Affleck lookalike with a big watch. Underneath we read

‘It’s your watch that says most about who you are’

The mask is off. The astounding claims of our secular milieu are laid bare. Someone was paid large amounts of money to come up with that line – and some other people agreed that it was the best one to go with in a left-wing broadsheet. They think that they have a lasting city here, so they’re trying everything they can to bolster it – Seiko by selling more watches, and the buyers by telling everyone how rich and important they are.

It's your adverts that say most about who you are.