Monday 29 September 2008

praise the LORD for music

Once again I was reminded of God's amazing generosity in giving us humans the capacity for music, giving me some talent and a passion for it, and giving me the time to use those gifts. Let me never take that for granted, and never may I be permitted to moan and grumble (tempted though I often am).

This morning Jane and I rehearsed Brahms' A major sonata for a concert on October 15th. We then had a whale (wail) of a time sightreading Ireland's D minor sonata (SO many notes) and attempting Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata (before giving up half way through the first movement in exhaustion and defeat!)! Retreating to his G major sonata (Op. 30, No.3) we found part of our next concert programme in very early 2009. Now all we need to find is a warmer venue than a church building...