Thursday 19 March 2009

Study in Psalm 2

Outline the 4 scenes...


(1-3) Rulers of nations conspire against YHWH and his annointed in order to rebel.

(4-6) YHWH scoffs; he has put his king in Zion

(7-9) YHWH’s decree of promise to his king

(10-12) Rulers beware! Destruction threatened, or blessing if you take refuge in the Son.

How do the people of the earth perceive YHWH’s rule?

Who does that sound like?

(the snake of Genesis 3)

Zion – where is it and why is it significant?

Look at Genesis 14:17ff; Joshua 10:1-4; 2 Samuel 5:1-9 context.

What does YHWH promise to the Son/King?

Is there any hope for the enemies? That sounds quite harsh!

Re-tell the story of the Psalm (4 scenes are memorable) as a group

How “realistic” does this Psalm sound?

in David's day, at any point in the monarchy, or now?

How does that encourage us when we see the world in a mess?

How does this Psalm bring us to Christ? To put that another way, how do we understand it better through Christ?

The conspiracy against YHWH’s annointed did its worst [Acts 4:18-31] but Christ was raised and exalted! We have access to this king in heavenly Zion [Heb 12:18-29] because there is forgiveness, a refuge in him [of the many possible passages, we looked at 2 Cor 5:17-21].