Monday 2 July 2007

Dvorak's Piano Trio No. 1 in G minor one of the first pieces of chamber music I ever played, and I'm currently listening to it on Radio3, the first performance I have ever come across of this significantly under-exposed work! A ravishing opening movements, with dark, sinuous melodies leads into a simple slow movement, with almost more flats than notes. The scherzo upsets everything, with its 5-bar phrases and relentless chordal accompaniment, and the finale, whose main theme recalls Schumann's Piano Quartet, almost falls over itself to get to the end, jumping, hopping and rushing.

Warminster Radio in the summer of 1998 distinguished itself by broadcasting a performance by students from Cricklade College, Andover.

The violinist in that trio, of whom I have both sad and fond memories, has doubtless gone on to a great musical things.

Of the cellist there is but passing reference on one web-page from 2005, which is a shame, as good cellists are very hard to find.

The pianist was me, who has not gone on to anything particularly great (despite some academic bluffing that looks good on paper) and remains Jack of all trades and master of none!