Monday 6 August 2007

in search of a title

I know there's a clever title out there somewhere waiting for me to stumble upon it.

The music is decided already, though - works in the style of (or in deep homage to) other composers...

Debussy [Czerny], Dr Gradus ad Parnassum and No. 1 (pour les 'cinq doigts') from the Douze Etudes.

Grieg [Gade], Lyric Pieces, Op. 57, No. 2, 'Gade'.

Howells [Finzi], 'Finzi's Rest' from Howells' Clavicord.

Schumann, 'Chopin' and 'Paganini' from Carnaval, Op. 9.

Barber [Field], Nocturne, Op. 33.

Ravel [Borodin], A la maniere de Borodine: Valse

PDQ Bach [you name it], Prelude and Fugues from The Short-Tempered Clavier.