Wednesday 8 August 2007

Sons of Korah

are a wonderful Australian band who sing the Psalms to an international blend of folky, jazzy, jiggy and ballady music. We have all of their CDs - and the £ is still pretty strong against the $AUS so now is a good time to lay in supplies of their excellent work.

On the Psalms SoK have this to say...

They are the supreme biblical portrayal of the spiritual life in all its facets and dynamics. They speak powerfully to a postmodern world that is generally more interested in what the biblical faith looks like from the inside than its abstract doctrinal expression. And for the church today the psalms present a compelling challenge to the often one-dimensional and romanticized spirituality that we find it so hard to move beyond. The psalms portray a rich, multifaceted and real spirituality. They speak powerfully to those who are well acquainted both with the sting of a cursed world and the sweetness of God’s love and grace in Jesus Christ. The psalms were originally written as songs and they were intended to be used. They have a role in the spiritual life and they perform this role as songs. The best way to meditate on God’s word is to use music and indeed this was one of dominant original purposes of the psalms.

Much of the time their songs are only Psalm portions - but that's a lot better than no Psalms at all. Sadly they are not great for congregational singing, either - but it's this kind of work that should help to bring the Psalms back into Protestant worship and into evangelical services. I hope and pray that their music develops and that they inspire others to take this further... Meanwhile, the devotional potential of really getting into this stuff is huge.